Results for 'Ricardo F. Mũnoz'

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  1.  19
    Commentary.Ricardo F. Mũnoz - 1985 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 4 (3-4):177-182.
  2.  20
    Abducing the crisis.Ricardo F. Crespo, Fernando Tohmé & Daniel Heymann - 2010 - In W. Carnielli L. Magnani (ed.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. pp. 179--198.
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  3. Subjetivistas radicales y hermenéutica en la escuela austríaca de economía.Ricardo F. Crespo - 1998 - Sapientia 53 (204):419-429.
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    Liberal Naturalism and Non-epistemic Values.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2019 - Foundations of Science 24 (2):247-273.
    The ‘value-free ideal’ has been called into question for several reasons. It does not include “epistemic values”—viewed as characteristic of ‘good science’—and rejects the so-called ‘contextual’, ‘non-cognitive’ or ‘non-epistemic’ values—all of them personal, moral, or political values. This paper analyzes a possible complementary argument about the dubitable validity of the value-free ideal, specifically focusing on social sciences, with a two-fold strategy. First, it will consider that values are natural facts in a broad or ‘liberal naturalist’ sense and, thus, a legitimate (...)
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    Economics and Other Disciplines: Assessing New Economic Currents.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2017 - New York: Routledge.
    During the second half of the twentieth century, economics exported its logic - utility maximization - to the analysis of several human activities or realities: a tendency that has been called "economic imperialism". This book explores the concept termed by John Davis as "reverse imperialism", whereby economics has been seen in recent years to have taken in elements from other disciplines. Economics and Other Disciplines sheds light on the current state and possible future development of economics by focusing on it (...)
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    (1 other version)Ciencias naturales, economía Y filosofía (natural sciences, economics, and philosophy).Ricardo F. Crespo - 1999 - Theoria 14 (2):275-289.
    En este trabajo se postula que se pueden establecer relaciones entre las diversas ‘visiones dei mundo’ (en sentido vulgar) y las teorías economicas, a través de las epistemologías subyacentes a las mismas. Se ilustra con las siguientes relaciones: entre la cosmovisión propia dei sistema de Aristóteles y su noción de economía, entre la matriz racionalista moderna y la economía clásica y neoclásica, a través del uso de analogías físicas y biologicas, y entre algunas posturas recientes y una vision post-moderna del (...)
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    Freedom and coordination in economics: An epistemological analysis.Ricardo F. Crespo - manuscript
    This article begins by pointing out the difficulties involved by the insertion of freedom in economics: It poses epistemological problems that are not satisfactorily solved by the standard theories. The article suggests that the Aristotelian epistemological frame of practical rationality may be an apt position from which one can deal with freedom in economics. Aristotle's concepts of society and economics are first introduced. The role of virtues in achieving economic coordination is exposed. Then the corresponding concept of practical science is (...)
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  8.  14
    Returning to Aristotle.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 49:11-16.
    In recent times various books have suggested building a healthier economics on Aristotelian foundations. They often rely on Scott Meikle’s accurate study of Aristotle’s Economic Thought. For example, we can mention James Alvey’s A Short History of Ethics and Economics. The Greeks, Spencer Pack’s Aristotle, Adam Smith and Karl Marx, and Irene van Staveren’s The Values of Economics: An Aristotelian Perspective which stresses the need for inserting the values of justice, freedom and care into economics. Andrew Yuengert’s The Boundaries of (...)
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  9. Thinking about the financial and economic crisis: Some brief notes on its causes and remedies: Crespo thinking about the financial and economic crisis.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2009 - Think 8 (23):97-103.
    An economic crisis is an unexpected phenomenon with strong consequences for nations, institutions and people's wealth, habits, and behaviors. It departs from the ‘normal’ evolution of the affairs foreseen by economic theory. It makes the claim for new theoretical explanations. It surprises the economic agents that try to ascertain what kind of phenomenon they are facing in order to decide the appropriate actions to undertake. It calls for revisions of theory, plans and expectations. Overall, a crisis calls for an explanation (...)
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    The Nature and Method of Economic Sciences: Evidence, Causality, and Ends.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2020 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    The Nature and Method of Economic Sciences: Evidence, Causality, and Ends argues that economic phenomena can be examined from five analytical levels: namely, a statistical descriptive approach, a causal explanatory approach, a teleological explicative approach, a normative approach and, finally, the level of application. The above viewpoints are undertaken by different but related economic sciences, including statistics and economic history, positive economics, normative economics, and the 'art of political economy'. Typically, positive economics has analysed economic phenomena using the second approach, (...)
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  11.  54
    Reappraising austrian economics' basic tenets in the light of aristotelian ideas.Ricardo F. Crespo - unknown
    This paper sustains that reappraising Austrian economics in the light of Aristotelian ideas is not only possible but also fruitful. First, the paper draws a sketch of the essential features of Austrian economics. Next, it argues about the necessity for a thorough analysis of the notion of freedom, and it analyzes Mises's conception. Next, the paper exposes Aristotle's social, epistemological and economic thought related to Austrian main traits. An account of how the exercise of Aristotelian virtues may be synergic with (...)
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  12.  12
    A Re-Assessment of Aristotle's Economic Thought.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2013 - Routledge.
    The world has seen several financial and economic crises in the past few years. Psychological, ethical and philosophical levels of causal analysis have been discussed, and in this context, an interest in classical thinkers has emerged. The work of Aristotle has influenced writers from Marx and Menger to Amartya Sen. This book introduces us to Aristotle's thought on 'the economic' and on its influences on economists. First, it focuses on Aristotle´s ideas, situating Aristotle in his historical context, describing his positions (...)
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  13. ¿ Fue Aristóteles marxista en economía?(Valoración crítica de la posición de Scott Meikle).Ricardo F. Crespo - 2005 - Philosophia (Misc.) 70:41-54.
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  14. Turning Sen's capability approach operative thanks to Aristotle's ideas.Ricardo F. Crespo - forthcoming - Sapientia.
  15.  23
    Three Arguments Against Menger's Suggested Aristotelianism.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2003 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 13 (1).
    Specialists often maintain that Menger has been strongly influenced by Aristotle’s thought ideas.This paper shows that although using Aristotle’s categories and general framework there are some issues in which Menger’s conclusions differs from Aristotle’s.This hint out that Menger’s knowledge of Aristotle’s ideas was not sufficiently deep and precise so as to completely capture its very spirit.Section two lays out the differences between Menger’s conception of theoretical science applied to economics and Aristotle’s conception of economics as a practical science.Section three maintains (...)
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  16.  16
    Philosophy of the Economy: An Aristotelian Approach.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2013 - Cham: Imprint: Springer.
    This book develops a philosophical analysis of economic reality and economic science from an Aristotelian point of view. It is the result of many years of thinking and philosophical study about these topics. It differs from other philosophy of economics books as it also deals with economic reality (not only the science) and approaches its subject from an Aristotelian perspective. It differs from other Aristotelian studies about economics as it covers the whole of philosophy of the economy. This book argues (...)
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    Max Weber: sugerencias para una "reconstrucción".Ricardo F. Crespo - 1996 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 11 (1):23-34.
    Recientemente se ha avanzado en algunas variaciones a la interpretación estándar de la obras de Max Weber. De entre estas variaciones hay una visión no-sociológia del corpus weberiano. Aquí trato de mostrar algunas implicaciones de esta nueva posición para la metodología de las ciencias sociales, y ofrezco un panorama bibliográfico del asunto.
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  18. P. García Ruiz, "Poder y sociedad. La sociología política de Talcott Parsons".Ricardo F. Crespo - 1995 - Analogía Filosófica 9 (2):199.
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    Filosofía de la economía.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2012 - Pamplona: Eunsa.
  20.  37
    Aristotle’s Principles for Modern Economic Science.Ricardo F. Crespo - 2019 - Studia Gilsoniana 8 (4):819–837.
    This paper is an attempt to illuminate today’s economic science with the light of Aristotle’s philosophy of economics. The author first describes Aristotle’s thoughts about the economy. Then, he distinguishes and discusses three Aristotelian principles: (a) economics should be a classical practical or moral science, (b) economics should not look for an unlimited wealth, but for the wealth necessary for the good life, and (c) economics should be aimed at the common good.
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    Editorial: Motor Correlates of Motivated Social Interactions.John F. Stins, Miguel A. Muñoz, Thierry Lelard & Harold Mouras - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    MASSINI-CORREAS, CARLOS I., Alternativas a la ética contemporánea. Constructivismo y realismo ético, Rialp, Madrid, 2019, 220 pp. [REVIEW]Ricardo-F. Crespo - 2019 - Anuario Filosófico 53 (1):201-203.
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    Andrew M. Yuengert's Approximating prudence: Aristotelian practical wisdom and economic models of choice. Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, 246 pp. [REVIEW]Ricardo F. Crespo - 2013 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 6 (1):127.
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    Indonesian biodiversity spirituality and post COVID-19 ecclesiastical implications.Julianus Mojau & Ricardo F. Nanuru - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):6.
    The enormous impact of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has caused Indonesian Christian leaders and theologians to become preoccupied with theodicy-humanistic questions rather than considering the rights of life for biodiversity. This is unacceptable because humans are not the only living things with the right to life and are entitled to God’s justice in all-natural disasters. According to biologists and epidemiologists, the pandemic sends a message of ecological injustice. Therefore, by using a method of reading with a perspective of (...)
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    Editorial: COVID-19: Mid- and Long-Term Educational and Psychological Consequences for Students and Educators.Maria Jose Alvarez-Alonso, Ricardo Scott & Isabel Morales-Muñoz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Beyond Self-Interest: A Personalist Approach to Human Action.Gregory R. Beabout, Ricardo F. Crespo, Stephen J. Grabill, Kim Paffenroth & Kyle Swan - 2001 - Lexington Books.
    Foundations of Economic Personalism is a series of three book-length monographs, each closely examining a significant dimension of the Center for Economic Personalism's unique synthesis of Christian personalism and free-economic market theory. In the aftermath of the momentous geo-political and economic changes of the late 1980s, a small group of Christian social ethicists began to converse with free-market economists over the morality of market activity. This interdisciplinary exchange eventually led to the founding of a new academic subdiscipline under the rubric (...)
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  27.  41
    Sublimation, art and void. An approach to Aesthetics from the articulation between Philosophy and Psychoanalysis.Ricardo Adrián González Muñoz & María del Mar Osorio Arias - 2022 - Alpha (Osorno) 54 (54):9–22.
    Resumen: El presente artículo constituye un aporte al conocimiento del arte en su vinculación con la filosofía y el psicoanálisis, en tanto aborda la tensión entre la representación y la construcción simbólica de la imagen artística en el contexto cultural/estético contemporáneo, mediante la relación entre lo Real lacaniano y la estática negativa de Adorno. Dicha relación encuentra su punto de articulación en el fenómeno estético de lo Bello, entendido como lo que encara al sujeto con el vacío de su deseo (...)
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    Galapagos and Cape Horn.Ricardo Rozzi, Francisca Massardo, Felipe Cruz, Christophe Grenier, Andrea Muñoz & Eduard Mueller - 2010 - Environmental Philosophy 7 (2):1-32.
    True ecotourism requires us to regain an understanding of the inextricable links between the habitats of a region, including its inhabitants, and their habits. With this systemic approach that integrates economic, ecological, and ethical dimensions, we define ecotourism as “an invitation to a journey (‘tour’) to appreciate and share the ‘homes’ (oikos) of diverse human and non-human inhabitants, their singular habits and habitats.” Today, mass nature tourism often denies theselinks and is generating biocultural homogenization, socio-ecological degradation, and marked distributive injustices (...)
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    Communication barriers in the technologist-patient relationship within the professional context.Elena María Muñoz Calvo, Mercedes Caridad García González, Luz Angélica Leyva Barceló & Kenia Ricardo Bencomo - 2013 - Humanidades Médicas 13 (1):38-55.
    Introducción: la formación de profesionales competentes es una de las misiones esenciales de la Educación Médica Superior, esto exige que los tecnólogos posean habilidades comunicativas para un correcto desempeño laboral en aras del mejoramiento humano. Objetivo de la investigación: identificar las barreras que inciden en la comunicación tecnólogo - paciente en las carreras de Licenciatura en Traumatología, Podología, Terapia Física y Rehabilitación Social Ocupacional, en áreas de rehabilitación. Métodos: se presenta un estudio observacional, descriptivo longitudinal y retrospectivo entre junio de (...)
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    "Good Workers, Good Mothers!": the Feminine Labor Formation of Secondary Educational Level in Chile.Carmen Gloria Núñez Muñoz, Paula Ascorra & Ricardo Espinoza Lolas - 2012 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 14 (2):101-115.
    El presente artículo pretende indagar desde el marco teórico-epistemológico de "imaginario social" de Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997), la subjetivación de la mujer trabajadora en el sistema de educación técnico-profesional en Chile. Se desarrolla una investigación filosófica y cualitativa que incluye análisis documental y entrevistas a sujetos del ámbito técnico-profesional secundario. A través de este marco teórico, desarrollamos las herramientas analíticas necesarias para poder leer e interpretar cómo a pesar de los aires de renovación del sistema técnico-profesional, la oferta política hacia la (...)
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  31. (1 other version)Alain Guy, in memoriam.J. F. Ortega Muñoz - 1999 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 4:5-7.
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    The system of nursing in Chile: Insights from a systems theory perspective.Ricardo A. Ayala, Tomas F. Koch & Helga B. Messing - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (1):e12260.
    Nursing is possible owing to a series of intricate systemic relations. Building on an established tradition of sociological research, we critically analysed the nursing profession in Chile, with an emphasis on its education system, in the light of social systems theory. The paper's aim was to explore basic characteristics of nursing education as a system, so as to outline its current evolution. Drawing on recent developments in nursing, we applied an empirical framework to identify and discuss functionally differentiated systems that (...)
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  33. El reconocimiento de la pluralidad de valores en la ciencia: la propuesta de Javier Echeverría.Sergio F. Martínez Muñoz - 1999 - Critica 31 (91):41-74.
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  34. The legend of Mohammed and the Cardinal Nicholas.F. G. Munoz - 2004 - Al-Qantara 25 (1):5-43.
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    On Fingerprinting of Public Malware Analysis Services.Alvaro Botas, Ricardo J. Rodríguez, Vicente Matellan, Juan F. Garcia, M. T. Trobajo & Miguel V. Carriegos - 2020 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 28 (4):473-486.
    Automatic public malware analysis services provide controlled, isolated and virtual environments to analyse malicious software samples. Unfortunately, malware is currently incorporating techniques to recognize execution onto a virtual or sandbox environment; when an analysis environment is detected, malware behaves as a benign application or even shows no activity. In this work, we present an empirical study and characterization of automatic PMAS, considering 26 different services. We also show a set of features that allow to easily fingerprint these services as analysis (...)
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  36. Concepciones físicas del cielo en dos españoles de los siglos XVI y XVII.F. Muñoz Box - 1990 - Estudios Filosóficos 39 (110):83-100.
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  37. La filosofía natural de Rodrigo de Arriaga.F. Muñoz Box - 1990 - Estudios Filosóficos 39 (112):591-604.
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    The Philosophical Foundations of Psychiatry in the Ancient Greece.José E. Muñoz-Negro, Juan F. Mula-Ponce, Josefa M. López-Pérez, José Pablo Martínez-Barbero & Jorge A. Cervilla - 2018 - Open Journal of Philosophy 8 (3):277-293.
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    Representation of influence zones in commercial GISs for simulation of directional processes.M. Dolores Muñoz Vicente, María N. Moreno García & Vivian F. López - forthcoming - Logic Journal of the IGPL.
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    Counterfactual Thinking Made in a Relevant Choice and Negative Consequences.Juan F. Muñoz-Olano & Glenys J. Ruiz-Zapata - 2022 - Journal of Cognition and Culture 22 (3-4):324-337.
    The counterfactual thinking cannot be only developed in early childhood, but it also could be a requirement for the causal reasoning. In this research a replica of German was made using counterfactual stories with Latin American kids between three and four years, demonstrating the possible main role counterfactual reasoning, by using computer animations. This was a different approach to the most recent made by Nyhout and Ganea. Nonetheless, the participants of the study evidenced counterfactual reasoning to the relevant choice and (...)
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    Family and Marriage: Institutions and the Need for Social Goods.Véronique Munoz-Dardé & M. G. F. Martin - 2023 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 97 (1):221-247.
    Institutions, if unjust, ought to be reformed or even abolished. This radical Rawlsian thought leads to the question of whether the family ought to be abolished, given its negative impact on the very possibility of delivering equality of life chances. In this article, we address questions regarding the justice of the family, and of marriage, and reflect on rights, equality, and the provision of social goods by institutions. There is a temptation to justify our social institutions in terms which highlight (...)
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  42. El Influjo del Entendimiento sobre la Voluntad según Francisco Zumel, Mercedario (1540-1607).F. V. MUÑOZ - 1950
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  43. Una explicación del cambio tecnológico basada en el concepto de dependencia de su trayectoria.Sergio F. Martínez Muñoz - 2007 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 45 (115):25-40.
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    Pitting corrosion behaviour of austenitic stainless steel using artificial intelligence techniques.M. J. Jiménez-Come, E. Muñoz, R. García, V. Matres, M. L. Martín, F. Trujillo & I. Turias - 2012 - Journal of Applied Logic 10 (4):291-297.
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    Alfonso Monsalve Solórzano: Colombia: democracia y paz.Paula Cristina Mira B., Sergio B. Muñoz F. & Andrés E. Saldarriaga M. - 2005 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 31:149-153.
    Alfonso Monsalve Solórzano: Colombia: democracia y paz. Medellín, Fondo Editorial Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 1999, pp. 378.
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    Some manuscript notes by F. Jacobs on the text of menander rhetor.Felipe G. Hernández Muñoz - 2016 - Classical Quarterly 66 (2):752-768.
    In 2007 I published the first part of some manuscript notes on the text of Menander Rhetor, which I attributed to F. Jacobs. I now present the second part of these notes, alongside a global assessment of all the coniectanea and corrections by F. Jacobs on the text of this rhetor.
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    Institutional self-appraisal and its importance in higher education.Ricardo Figueroa Toala & Evelio F. Machado Ramírez - 2012 - Humanidades Médicas 12 (3):447-463.
    La autoevaluación institucional actualmente responde a las demandas de lograr una Universidad que esté a tono con los avances de la sociedad y a su vez se convierta en un reflejo de ella. En el artículo se realiza una valoración conceptual de las concepciones existentes sobre este proceso. Asimismo se ofrece una panorámica de las tendencias referidas a las diversas maneras de visualizar este fenómeno de innegable importancia para la vida y permanencia de las instituciones de educación superior. Nowadays, institutional (...)
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    Interpersonal Perceptions of Adverse Peer Experiences in First-Grade Students.Francisco J. García Bacete, Inmaculada Sureda-García, Victoria Muñoz-Tinoco, Irene Jiménez-Lagares, Ghislaine Marande Perrin & Jesús F. Rosel - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  49. Un llamado ético a la inclusión de mujeres embarazadas en investigación: Reflexiones del Foro Global de Bioética en Investigación.Carla Saenz, Jackeline Alger, Juan Pablo Beca, José Belizán, María Luisa Cafferata, Julio Arturo Canario Guzman, Jesica Candanedo, Lissette Duque, Lester Figueroa, Ana Garcés, Lionel Gresh, Ida Cristina Gubert, Dirce Guilhem, Gabriela Guz, Gustavo Kaltwasser, Roxana Lescano, Florencia Luna, Alexandrina Cardelli, Ignacio Mastroleo, Irene Melamed, Agueda Muñoz del Carpio Toia, Ricardo Palacios, Gloria Palma, Sofía Salas, Xochitl Sandoval, Sergio Surugi de Siqueira, Hans Vásquez & Bertha Villela de Vega - 2017 - Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública 41 (e13):1-2.
    El Foro Global de Bioética en Investigación (GFBR por sus siglas en inglés) se reunió el 3 y 4 de noviembre en Buenos Aires, Argentina, con el objetivo de discutir la ética de la investigación con mujeres embarazadas. El GFBR es una plataforma mundial que congrega a actores clave con el objetivo de promover la investigación realizada de manera ética, fortalecer la ética de la investigación en salud, particularmente en países de ingresos bajos y medios, y promover colaboración entre países (...)
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    What Is Specific and What Is Shared Between Numbers and Words?Júlia B. Lopes-Silva, Ricardo Moura, Annelise Júlio-Costa, Guilherme Wood, Jerusa F. Salles & Vitor G. Haase - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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